
Patterns of growth all over the country have placed many asphalt plant sites in the middle of communities. This development makes it imperative the individuals responsible for our asphalt plants demonstrate good corporate citizenship and neighbor-friendly operations.
To assist asphalt companies in reaching these goals, and to provide an avenue for continuous improvement, the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) launched the Diamond Achievement Commendation for Excellence in Hot-Mix Asphalt Plant/Site Operations in 1999. The Diamond Commendation Program outlines best practices for asphalt plant operations, terminal operations, asphalt production, and paving. Nearly 800 plant/sites are current Diamond Achievement recipients, including all eight of our stationary asphalt plant sites.
The Diamond Achievement process emphasizes continuous improvement. The process begins with a self-assessment of six aspects of plant/site operations: appearance, operations, environmental practices, safety, permitting and regulatory compliance, and community relations. It also includes verification by an outside third party who is not associated with the company.
Our Asphalt Plants, located throughout southeast Missouri, northeast Arkansas, and southern Illinois, have been recognized with this commendation year after year.

Beginning in 2015, a Diamond Commendation became available for asphalt terminal operators: the Diamond Terminal Commendation. The process, similar to the one for hot-mix asphalt plants, gives asphalt terminals a new way to demonstrate their commitment to best practices for asphalt terminal operations; proactive environmental, health and safety compliance; and community relations.
An asphalt terminal, for the purpose of this program, is a facility that stores asphalt cement binders for the shipment to asphalt mix producers. The facility may blend or modify asphalt binders to make specified grades for paving and may produce some asphalt cement products for other applications.
Our Asphalt Terminal, located in New Madrid, Missouri, has earned this commendation every year since the inception of the program.
Energy Conservation:

All operations throughout the Delta Companies Inc. work to preserve the environment through energy management all along our value chain. Ongoing concentration on sustaining the communities and resources in which we operate will enable our Company to flourish today and long into the future.
We adhere to our strategic plan of ensuring a commitment to energy conservation.
The “cLeanergie” initiative focuses on four areas to reduce energy consumption as shown below:
- Stock Pile Moisture Management – focus on better storage areas at our asphalt plants for aggregates to allow for better drainage as well as loader training to insure we are not drying wet stone when possible.
- Mix Temperature – reduce the temperature of hot mix asphalt to a warmer temperature thus reducing fuel and emissions.
- Coordination – reduce the amount of waiting time on job sites and plant sites to allow better utilization of assets and employees.
- Reduce the Fuel Consumption – reduce the amount of idle time or non-productive time during the duration of the day.
Each of our manufacturing facilities (asphalt, aggregates, terminal) and our project sites seek to incorporate these principles into their daily tasks. We utilize technology to measure the amount of fuel we consume on a daily basis. This helps us to improve efficiency and to identify equipment in need of attention, such as repairs, tune-ups, and replacement. We also utilize a Global Positioning System (GPS) system across our equipment fleet. This system allows us to monitor numerous metrics of our assets, such as idle time, speeding, and hard braking.