Apex Paving Co.Recognized During MAPA 2020 Annual Conference

The Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association (MAPA) recognized the 2019 Award Winners during its Annual Conference. Apex Paving Company (Apex) earned an award for its work on Route D in Dunklin and New Madrid counties.


Apex received Second Place in the “Overlay Minor Road” category. The description for this category is “Minor road overlays place a non-super pave mix, either HMA or WMA, over an existing road, which may include widening.”

The project spanned nearly 22 miles and included cold milling for 21 transitions followed by a 1” surface leveling course of hot mix asphalt (HMA). There were multiple railroad crossings and the project required the use of a portable plant. The Apex crews placed approximately 22,700 tons of HMA.

Joe Colbert was the Paving Supervisor on the project and Derrick Schatte was the supervisor for the milling and preparation work.

The award was presented by Dave Ahlvers, State Construction & Materials Engineer with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), and Dale Williams, Executive Director of MAPA.

Kevin Plott, the Assistant District Construction/Materials Engineer for MoDOT Southeast District, and our own Missouri Quality Control Manager Shannon Sinn accepted the award.

Delta Companies Inc. President Zach Green extends his appreciation and congratulations to Joe, Derrick, and the crews of Apex Paving Company; Aaron Anderson and the crew with Delta Asphalt, Inc. at the portable HMA Plant; and Shannon and staff in the quality control laboratory.

This was MAPA’s 30th Annual Conference and was held in Columbia, Missouri.

Visit www.MOasphalt.org to learn more about MAPA and its numerous activities, including the Annual Conference and Award Program.